06 July, 2010

1000 Words

Unfortunately, I'm notorious for being awful at taking photographs. I think that's mostly because every camera I've ever owned I have either broken/lost/had stolen. I may actually be an expert photographer with an innate gift for capturing life's precious moments, but just been missing out on the opportunity to do so.

Thankfully, however, I often have people surrounding me who take photos and generously share them with me. I'd have no pictures from University, my first trips to Africa, road trips, or pretty much any other experiences in my life were it not for great friends who so graciously provide me with snapshots. One such visitor to Burao in April/May is responsible for the pictures you're about to see. I won't add much to the photo other than just a caption, and will let you appreciate what photos can say on their own.

More pics to come soon!

Kids the world over love climbing trees

Much more beautiful scenery than I'd expected!

How I Roll...

Tour Guide: (Bring your own Translator)

Who'd have thought there was a tourism site in Somaliland?!?!

Some Old Rock Paintings, really cool!!

Happy Independence Day!!

Tons of food to give away


Tina said...

Nice! I LOVE that first one.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing some photos!