10 June, 2007

More Comparisons

Hmm. . . Don't know what to think about the differences. Any comments? Three very different churches, three very different costs, same purpose but different ways of meeting that purpose.


Anonymous said...

Well I don't have much to say in regards to church comparisons. I'm sort of biased towards the SP church because a good friend is helping to build them. Though I do think they all could use some landscaping...some flowers and Jacaronda trees. You know to remind everyone of how beautiful God is as they walk in the door. :)

I'm thankful for persons like you, Jeff...willing to live out the gospel in a foreign land and accept difficult cirmcumstances for Jesus' sake.

May the Lord draw you even deeper in love with Himself this day!

Later man!

crossn81 said...

Have you seen anything like this yet?
