27 December, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These "Nancys" (the women carrying water) look a lot tougher than you. We don't see you doing that. Anyway, you know you could probably stay cleaner if got rid of all the hair. Who knows what disease carrying rodents could be living on you. Also, we hear that you're dying, but after seeing that you're updating your blog again, we'll take that as a sign that you're doing better, or at least that you're alive. We don't have any cool stories or anything but if you want to see some of our families updated pictures you can check out our blog at dirkandbeckysfamily.blogspot.com
The Schellhases and the Whetzels have blogs too you might want to check out, but you probably already know that. glad to see your alive. Take care and stop freaking your mom out.